State Financial Corporations (SFC)


  • SFC was established in 1951 after three years of the establishment of IFCI.
  • SFCs were set-up in various states as regional institutions to cope with the requirements of medium and small scales industries.
  • The first SFC was in Punjab, set up in 1953.
  • The authorised capital shall not be less than fifty lakhs of rupees or exceed five hundred crores of rupees (as per the State Financial Corporations Act, 1951). • The public can hold can hold 25% of the share and the rest is held by State.
  • These corporations can sell bonds and debentures and accept term deposits from public.

Functions: Some important functions of the SFCs are –

  • to guarantee loans raised by industrial units to be repaid within 20 years,
  • to grant loans and advances repayable within 20 years,
  • to subscribe, shares bonds and debentures of industrial concerns.

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